var columnDefs = [
{ headerName: '姓名', field: 'name' },
headerName: '性别', field: 'sex',
cellEditor: "agSelectCellEditor",//编辑时 显示下拉列表**************
cellEditorParams: { values: ["男", "女"] }
headerName: '年龄', field: 'age'
{ headerName: '籍贯', field: 'jg' },
headerName: '省份', field: 'sf'
headerName: '地址', field: 'dz',
cellEditor: 'agLargeTextCellEditor', //编辑时 显示长文本框**************
cellEditorParams: {
maxLength: '300',
cols: '50',
rows: '6'
//与列对应的数据; 属性名对应上面的field
var data = [
{ name: '张三', sex: '男', age: '100', 'jg': '中国', 'sf': '浙江', 'dz': '杭州市古墩路1号' },
{ name: '李四', sex: '女', age: '5', 'jg': '中国', 'sf': '浙江', 'dz': '杭州市古墩路12号' },
{ name: 'bill', sex: '女', age: '20', 'jg': '中国', 'sf': '浙江', 'dz': '杭州市古墩路31号' },
{ name: 'itxst', sex: '女', age: '26', 'jg': '中国', 'sf': '浙江', 'dz': '杭州市古墩路111号' },
{ name: 'taobao', sex: '男', age: '35', 'jg': '中国', 'sf': '浙江', 'dz': '杭州市古墩路12号' }
var gridOptions = {
columnDefs: columnDefs,
rowData: data,
//editType:"fullRow", //开启行编辑
onRowEditingStopped: function (event) {
var itxst = JSON.stringify(event.data);
onCellEditingStopped: function (event) {
var itxst = JSON.stringify(event.data);
onGridReady: function () {
defaultColDef: {
editable: true,//单元表格是否可编辑
//在dom加载完成后 初始化agGrid完成
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
var eGridDiv = document.querySelector('#myGrid');
new agGrid.Grid(eGridDiv, gridOptions);
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<title>ag-grid 自定义编辑控件例子</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@ag-grid-enterprise/all-modules@22.1.2/dist/ag-grid-enterprise.min.js" ></script>
<div id="itxst" style="width: 100%;height: 300px;" class="ag-theme-balham"></div>
var students = [
first_name: 'Bob', last_name: 'Harrison', gender: 'Male',
address: '1197 Thunder Wagon Common, Cataract, RI, 02987-1016, US, (401) 747-0763',
mood: "Happy", country: {name: 'Ireland', code: 'IE'}
}, {
first_name: 'Mary', last_name: 'Wilson', gender: 'Female',
age: 11, address: '3685 Rocky Glade, Showtucket, NU, X1E-9I0, CA, (867) 371-4215',
mood: "Sad", country: {name: 'Ireland', code: 'IE'}
}, {
first_name: 'Sadiq', last_name: 'Khan', gender: 'Male', age: 12,
address: '3235 High Forest, Glen Campbell, MS, 39035-6845, US, (601) 638-8186',
mood: "Happy", country: {name: 'Ireland', code: 'IE'}
}, {
first_name: 'Jerry', last_name: 'Mane', gender: 'Male', age: 12,
address: '2234 Sleepy Pony Mall , Drain, DC, 20078-4243, US, (202) 948-3634',
mood: "Happy", country: {name: 'Ireland', code: 'IE'}
// double the array twice, make more data!
students.forEach(function (item) {
students.forEach(function (item) {
students.forEach(function (item) {
function cloneObject(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
var columnDefs = [
{headerName: "First Name", field: "first_name", width: 100, editable: true},
{headerName: "Last Name", field: "last_name", width: 100, editable: true},
headerName: "Gender",
field: "gender",
width: 90,
editable: true,
cellRenderer: 'genderCellRenderer',
cellEditor: 'agRichSelectCellEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
cellRenderer: 'genderCellRenderer',
values: ['Male', 'Female']
headerName: "Age",
field: "age",
width: 70,
editable: true,
cellEditor: 'numericCellEditor' //*********************自定义编辑控件*******************
headerName: "Mood",
field: "mood",
width: 70,
cellRenderer: 'moodCellRenderer',
cellEditor: 'moodEditor',
editable: true
headerName: "Country",
field: "country",
width: 100,
cellRenderer: 'countryCellRenderer',
cellEditor: 'agRichSelectCellEditor',
keyCreator: function(country) {
return country.name;
cellEditorParams: {
cellRenderer: 'countryCellRenderer',
values: [
{name: 'Ireland', code: 'IE'},
{name: 'UK', code: 'UK'},
{name: 'France', code: 'FR'}
editable: true
headerName: "Address",
field: "address",
width: 502,
editable: true,
cellEditor: 'agLargeTextCellEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
maxLength: '300', // override the editor defaults
cols: '50',
rows: '6'
var gridOptions = {
columnDefs: columnDefs,
rowData: students,
onGridReady: function (params) {
onRowEditingStarted: function (event) {
console.log('never called - not doing row editing');
onRowEditingStopped: function (event) {
console.log('never called - not doing row editing');
onCellEditingStarted: function (event) {
onCellEditingStopped: function (event) {
genderCellRenderer: GenderCellRenderer,
numericCellEditor: NumericCellEditor,
moodCellRenderer: MoodCellRenderer,
moodEditor: MoodEditor,
countryCellRenderer: CountryCellRenderer
function getCharCodeFromEvent(event) {
event = event || window.event;
return (typeof event.which == "undefined") ? event.keyCode : event.which;
function isCharNumeric(charStr) {
return !!/\d/.test(charStr);
function isKeyPressedNumeric(event) {
var charCode = getCharCodeFromEvent(event);
var charStr = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
return isCharNumeric(charStr);
// simple function cellRenderer, just returns back the name of the country
function CountryCellRenderer(params) {
return params.value.name;
// **********************************自定义编辑控件**********************************
function NumericCellEditor() {
// gets called once before the renderer is used
NumericCellEditor.prototype.init = function (params) {
// create the cell
this.eInput = document.createElement('input');
if (isCharNumeric(params.charPress)) {
this.eInput.value = params.charPress;
} else {
if (params.value !== undefined && params.value !== null) {
this.eInput.value = params.value;
var that = this;
this.eInput.addEventListener('keypress', function (event) {
if (!isKeyPressedNumeric(event)) {
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
} else if (that.isKeyPressedNavigation(event)){
// only start edit if key pressed is a number, not a letter
var charPressIsNotANumber = params.charPress && ('1234567890'.indexOf(params.charPress) < 0);
this.cancelBeforeStart = charPressIsNotANumber;
NumericCellEditor.prototype.isKeyPressedNavigation = function (event){
return event.keyCode===39
|| event.keyCode===37;
// gets called once when grid ready to insert the element
NumericCellEditor.prototype.getGui = function () {
return this.eInput;
// focus and select can be done after the gui is attached
NumericCellEditor.prototype.afterGuiAttached = function () {
// returns the new value after editing
NumericCellEditor.prototype.isCancelBeforeStart = function () {
return this.cancelBeforeStart;
// example - will reject the number if it contains the value 007
// - not very practical, but demonstrates the method.
NumericCellEditor.prototype.isCancelAfterEnd = function () {
var value = this.getValue();
return value.indexOf('007') >= 0;
// returns the new value after editing
NumericCellEditor.prototype.getValue = function () {
return this.eInput.value;
// any cleanup we need to be done here
NumericCellEditor.prototype.destroy = function () {
// but this example is simple, no cleanup, we could even leave this method out as it's optional
// if true, then this editor will appear in a popup
NumericCellEditor.prototype.isPopup = function () {
// and we could leave this method out also, false is the default
return false;
function GenderCellRenderer() {
GenderCellRenderer.prototype.init = function (params) {
this.eGui = document.createElement('span');
if (params.value !== "" || params.value !== undefined || params.value !== null) {
var gender = '<img border="0" width="15" height="10" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ag-grid/ag-grid/master/packages/ag-grid-docs/src/images/' + params.value.toLowerCase() + '.png">';
this.eGui.innerHTML = gender + ' ' + params.value;
GenderCellRenderer.prototype.getGui = function () {
return this.eGui;
function MoodCellRenderer() {
MoodCellRenderer.prototype.init = function (params) {
this.eGui = document.createElement('span');
if (params.value !== "" || params.value !== undefined || params.value !== null) {
var imgForMood = params.value === 'Happy' ? 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ag-grid/ag-grid/master/packages/ag-grid-docs/src/images/smiley.png' : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ag-grid/ag-grid/master/packages/ag-grid-docs/src/images/smiley-sad.png';
this.eGui.innerHTML = '<img width="20px" src="' + imgForMood + '" />';
MoodCellRenderer.prototype.getGui = function () {
return this.eGui;
function MoodEditor() {
this.defaultImgStyle = 'padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; border: 1px solid transparent; padding: 4px;';
this.selectedImgStyle = 'padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; border: 1px solid lightgreen; padding: 4px;';
MoodEditor.prototype.onKeyDown = function (event) {
var key = event.which || event.keyCode;
if (key == 37 || // left
key == 39) { // right
MoodEditor.prototype.toggleMood = function () {
this.selectMood(this.mood === 'Happy' ? 'Sad' : 'Happy');
MoodEditor.prototype.init = function (params) {
this.container = document.createElement('div');
this.container.style = "border-radius: 15px; border: 1px solid grey;background: #e6e6e6;padding: 15px; text-align:center;display:inline-block;outline:none";
this.container.tabIndex = "0"; // to allow the div to capture keypresses
this.happyImg = document.createElement('img');
this.happyImg.src = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ag-grid/ag-grid/master/packages/ag-grid-docs/src/images/smiley.png';
this.happyImg.style = this.defaultImgStyle;
this.sadImg = document.createElement('img');
this.sadImg.src = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ag-grid/ag-grid/master/packages/ag-grid-docs/src/images/smiley-sad.png';
this.sadImg.style = this.defaultImgStyle;
var that = this;
this.happyImg.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
this.sadImg.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
this.container.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
MoodEditor.prototype.selectMood = function (mood) {
this.mood = mood;
this.happyImg.style = (mood === 'Happy') ? this.selectedImgStyle : this.defaultImgStyle;
this.sadImg.style = (mood === 'Sad') ? this.selectedImgStyle : this.defaultImgStyle;
// gets called once when grid ready to insert the element
MoodEditor.prototype.getGui = function () {
return this.container;
MoodEditor.prototype.afterGuiAttached = function () {
MoodEditor.prototype.getValue = function () {
return this.mood;
// any cleanup we need to be done here
MoodEditor.prototype.destroy = function () {
MoodEditor.prototype.isPopup = function () {
return true;
// setup the grid after the page has finished loading
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var gridDiv = document.querySelector('#itxst');
new agGrid.Grid(gridDiv, gridOptions);