//---------------------------------------------------------//// Event hierarchy, and properties, for all ag-Grid events ////---------------------------------------------------------//└── AgEvent {
│ type: string, // the event type, eg 'sortChanged' or 'columnResized'
│ }
└── AgGridEvent
│ api: GridAPI, // see Grid API
│ columnApi: ColumnAPI // see Column API
│ }
├── GridReadyEvent {}
├── SelectionChangedEvent {}
├── SortChangedEvent {}
├── RowDataChangedEvent {}
├── RowDataUpdatedEvent {}
├── PinnedRowDataChangedEvent {}
├── NewColumnsLoadedEvent {}
├── GridColumnsChangedEvent {}
├── VirtualColumnsChangedEvent {}
├── ColumnPivotModeChangedEvent {}
├── ColumnEverythingChangedEvent {}
├── DisplayedColumnsChangedEvent {}
├── ToolPanelVisibleChangedEvent {}
├── AnimationQueueEmptyEvent {}
├── FilterChangedEvent {}
├── FilterModifiedEvent {
│ column: Column, // the column for the event
│ filterInstance: number, // the filter instance
│ }
├── CellFocusedEvent {
│ rowIndex: number, // the row index of the focused cell
│ column: Column, // the column of the focused cell
│ rowPinned: string, // either 'top', 'bottom' or undefined/null (if not pinned)
│ forceBrowserFocus: boolean // whether browser focus is also set (false when editing)
│ }
├── ViewportChangedEvent {
│ firstRow: number, // the index of the first rendered row
│ lastRow: number // the index of the last rendered row
│ }
├── FirstDataRendereredEvent {
│ firstRow: number, // the index of the first rendered row
│ lastRow: number // the index of the last rendered row
│ }
├── GridSizeChangedEvent {
│ clientWidth: number, // the grids DIV's clientWidth
│ clientHeight: number // the grids DIV's clientHeight
│ }
├── RangeSelectionChangedEvent {
│ started: boolean, // true for first event in a sequence of dragging events
│ finished: boolean // true for last event in sequence of dragging events
│ }
├── ColumnGroupOpenedEvent {
│ columnGroup: OriginalColumnGroup // the original column group that was opened
│ }
├── BodyScrollEvent {
│ direction: string // either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
│ top: number // top px of the scroll
│ left: number // left px of the scroll
│ }
├── PaginationChangedEvent {
│ animate: boolean, // true if rows were animated to new position
│ keepRenderedRows: boolean, // true if rows were kept (otherwise complete redraw)
│ newData: boolean, // true if data was new (ie user set new data)
│ newPage: boolean // true if user went to a new pagination page
│ }
├── ModelUpdatedEvent {
│ animate: boolean, // true if rows were animated to new position
│ keepRenderedRows: boolean, // true if rows were kept (otherwise complete redraw)
│ newData: boolean, // true if data was new (ie user set new data)
│ newPage: boolean // true if user went to a new pagination page
│ }
├── ComponentStateChangedEvent {
│ // one attribute for each changed property
│ }
├── ExpandCollapseAllEvent {
│ source: string
│ }
├── DragEvent {
│ │ type: string, // one of {'cell','row','headerCell','toolPanel'}
│ │ }
│ ├── DragStartedEvent {}
│ ├── DragStoppedEvent {}
├── RowDragEvent { // abstract event, never fired
│ │ event: MouseEvent, // The underlying mouse move event associated with the drag.
│ │ node: RowNode, // The row node getting dragged.
│ │ overIndex: number, // The row index the mouse is dragging over.
│ │ overNode: RowNode, // The row node the mouse is dragging over.
│ │ y: number, // The vertical pixel location the mouse is over.
│ │ vDirection: string, // Direction of the drag, either 'up', 'down' or null.
│ │ }
│ ├── RowDragEnterEvent {} // row drag has started / re-entered
│ ├── RowDragMoveEvent {} // mouse moved while dragging
│ ├── RowDragEndEvent {} // row drag finished while mouse over grid
│ ├── RowDragLeaveEvent {} // mouse left grid while dragging
├── ColumnEvent {
│ │ column: Column, // the impacted column, only set if action was on one column
│ │ columns: Column[] // list of all impacted columns
│ │ source: string // A string describing where the event is coming from
│ │ }
│ ├── ColumnPivotChangedEvent {} // a column was added / removed to pivot list
│ ├── ColumnRowGroupChangedEvent {} // a column was added / removed to row group list
│ ├── ColumnValueChangedEvent {} // a column was added / removed to values list
│ ├── ColumnMovedEvent {
│ │ toIndex: number // the position the column was moved to
│ │ }
│ ├── ColumnResizedEvent {
│ │ finished: boolean // set to true for last event in a sequence of move events
│ │ }
│ ├── ColumnVisibleEvent {
│ │ visible: boolean // true if column was set to visible, false if set to hide
│ │ }
│ └── ColumnPinnedEvent {
│ pinned: string // either 'left', 'right', or undefined / null (it not pinned)
│ }
└── RowEvent {
│ node: RowNode, // the RowNode for the row in question
│ data: any, // the user provided data for the row in question
│ rowIndex: number, // the visible row index for the row in question
│ rowPinned: string, // either 'top', 'bottom' or undefined / null (if not pinned)
│ context: any, // bag of attributes, provided by user, see Context
│ event?: Event // if even was due to browser event (eg click), then this is browser event
│ }
├── RowSelectedEvent {}
├── RowClickedEvent {}
├── RowDoubleClickedEvent {}
├── RowEditingStartedEvent {}
├── RowEditingStoppedEvent {}
├── RowGroupOpenedEvent {}
├── RowValueChangedEvent {}
├── VirtualRowRemovedEvent {}
└── CellEvent {
│ column: Column, // the column for the cell in question
│ colDef: ColDef, // the column definition for the cell in question
│ value: any // the value for the cell in question
│ }
├── CellClickedEvent {}
├── CellMouseDownEvent {}
├── CellDoubleClickedEvent {}
├── CellMouseOverEvent {}
├── CellMouseOutEvent {}
├── CellContextMenuEvent {}
├── CellEditingStartedEvent {}
├── CellEditingStoppedEvent {}
├── CellKeyDown {}
├── CellKeyPress {}
└── CellValueChangedEvent {
oldValue: any, // the old value before editing
newValue: any // the new value after editing